
Showing posts from June, 2020

A quick checklist for top web design trends

This year has proven itself to be one for changes, be it economical, psychological or digital. 2020 is going to make history for the populace to remember. The top digital changes we all faced include: ·  The dynamic shift in eCommerce ·  Core Google update ·  5G Upgrading ·  Internet of things ·  Multi-cloud computing ·  Feed business performance with APIs etc. And of course, the most prominent of all that supports each one of the above and simultaneously change itself is web design trends. Many web design trends come and go with time, but the impact it creates on the users for the prevailing time is what makes it so important and crucial. Let's have a look at top 2020 web design trends thriving globally: 1.  Dark theme:  The dark mode for web pages and web-based applications is one of the chief breakthroughs to come up. Dark background colour makes design elements more striking, contrasting colour and attracting user attention to important web page sections. Not only do dark web